Are You Losing Negotiations with Yourself?
01/07/15 Personal Juju

Are You Losing Negotiations with Yourself?

How can you stay focused on your future goals and be effective in this moment? How can you look ahead, without getting ahead of yourself? How can you work toward a vision when you can’t see past what’s directly in front of you? Continue reading

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What Can I Do? I Can Connect.
19/06/15 Personal Juju , Uncategorized

What Can I Do? I Can Connect.

This morning I blog with a heavy, bewildered, exhausted heart, as the country discusses nine people shot at close range in a church in South Carolina. My first thought was to leave it alone. This is a business blog, isn’t it? This is a page about branding. I was prepared to skip a day and walk away.


I could not. Continue reading

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