“Six Figures In Six Months.” Five Words with No Meaning.
24/03/16 Uncategorized # , , , ,

“Six Figures In Six Months.” Five Words with No Meaning.

I live and work on the Internet now. After 25 years of making money offline, the web is my office these days. And I keep my eye on the market leaders, the competition, the movers-and-shakers, and the talkers.


And almost every day, I see people make promises about how quickly I can make money on the Internet. Not a single day goes by that a hot-shot doesn’t tell me how I can make $50,000 a month, or a million in my first year, or how I can sign clients up for a $10,000 program with ease.


I can only guess that you’re reading these things, too.


And I want to take a moment to call “Bullsh** on the “Get-Rich-Quick” lie.


Now before you get up in arms and send me examples of people who were $225,000 in credit card debt last year and are currently sipping Mai-Tais in the Bahamas while riding the jet skis they own free-and-clear, I want you to hear me out.

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The Dangerously High Price of Poor Strategy
25/01/16 How to Brand Your Juju # , , , ,

The Dangerously High Price of Poor Strategy

If you’ve been around my blog, my website or my Facebook page for long, you’ll know that I’m a stickler for strategy. I love a good plan. I’m wild about doing things for a good reason. And where branding is concerned, I don’t make a move without a sound strategy.


But you know what? Oddly enough, this is a very UNCOMMON position in the world of entrepreneurs and small businesses. “Strategy first,” has a bit of a bad rap.


And that’s a shame. Because “strategy first” is really the only way to go.


Every day I watch people – in and outside the world of branding and marketing – pay for tactics and forego strategy. They’ll buy the tangibles (the things they can see and touch) but they won’t invest in the strategy that makes those tactics successful.

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If Your Brand Was a Person, Who Would it Be?
14/12/15 How to Brand Your Juju # , , , , ,

If Your Brand Was a Person, Who Would it Be?

Think about your favorite three brands. Just close your eyes, and allow your top three brands to pop into your head.


There are, undoubtedly, a host of reasons you’re attracted to these brands. But whether you realize it or not, one of the things you’re likely most attracted to are their personalities.


I meet a lot of small business owners who believe that logos, colors and fonts drive brands.


When we first begin to “brand,” these are the things we focus on. I hear entrepreneurs say, “I just hired a designer to do my brand,” or “I just branded my website.”


This approach leaves a tremendous amount of unfinished business on the table. And one of the juiciest pieces it overlooks is brand personality.


I challenge my clients to answer this question: If your brand was a person, who would it be?

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